The rights of transsexuals in the world
Transsexuals in Argentina and Uruguay
The announcement was a bombshell, as it causes an advanced the rights of transsexuals in Argentina, from a Senate decision taken in May, they will be able to choose the sex to which they feel they belong and to declare administration. Argentina is not alone: his Uruguayan neighbor had before it, already passed a similar law. And in October 2008, a law of Mexico City has allowed transgender people to get in line with their new identity civil status papers.

Regarding the rights of transsexuals, Europe, UK and Spain were precursors.
The British were the first, changed their laws in 2004, having been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights in the case of a harassed transsexual, Christine Goodwin.
Transsexuals in Spain
Since 2007, surgery is no longer necessary for the change of identity. The diagnosis of a doctor is required, however, as well as hormone therapy for two years.Transsexuals in Portugal
The president had opposed in 2010 a change in the law, and a year later, it has taken place. Now the chosen genre can be obtained in eight days on presentation of a medical certificate in proper form.Transsexuals in Sweden
After a long blockade of the Conservative Party, surgical sterilization operations are forced to be abolished.
Transsexuals in the Netherlands
From the end of 2011, where only expert statements attest, after analysis, "the feeling of the transgender person is permanent."
Transsexuals in Belgium,
The change in marital status is diverted, and told the mayor.
Transsexuals in Australia
Another upheaval: the passport issue. Since last September, allows to include the kind of choice. And for those who do not want to choose, it is now possible to check the "x" box. Canada is currently examining a text allowing the same trend.
Transsexuals in France
As long delay, notwithstanding the filing of a bill in December by PS deputies, based on a resolution of the Council of Europe that wants to delete the sterilization requirement, gender reassignment or hormone therapy. For a change of marital status, French transsexuals are always surgically sterilized and irreversibly must pass psychiatric tests and then wait between one and one and a half the court's decision.SOURCE / Regards