Transsexual, Transgender, Trans-identity.
Do a little tour of names:
This is the oldest name for those wishing to change sex from their original sex. It is also the most used in everyday language.
Origin: Trans: Prefix which gives meaning to move from here to there, get through, move on. Sex: Who about sex or sexuality.
Nowadays many trans don't accept this name because of the image given to sex and the bad image established over time.
It is a name more common and increasingly used both in language, in some European or international laws. Here there is no reference to gender, but gender namely: Gender female or male.Origin: Trans: Prefix which gives meaning to move from here to there, get through, move on.
The word derived from transgender appeared in the 70s and meaning a person having no interest in the physical standard of the genre without wanting to undergo surgery. In the 80s the word took on a broader meaning and was adopted by international bodies to designate the persons claiming a different sexual identity from birth.
Today the trans community is itself divided on the very definition of the word. Many trans agree with this definition, whose origin has no sexual connotation.TRANS-IDENTITY:
Belief in an individual having a gender identity opposite to his physical birth sex. This word becomes more and more important without really being used. But in general, it defines all people who feel out of touch with their body.